Friday, September 17, 2010

A New New Republican

To My Readers:

As I am sure those of you who read regularly have noticed, the volume of my posting has declined precipitously over the past few months.  Since I have swithed life from a single, working professional to a married, graduate student (pursuing a MA in International Relations as Johns Hopkins SAIS), I have found far less time to give to ANR.  However, I don't want to see ANR wither away, so a change in format is necessary.

My aim is to have one old-style ANR 'essay' post each week, rather than the multiple that previously made up the blog.  In addition, I will provide short links - perhaps with some commentary - to various articles and editorials that are relevant to the ANR mission.  As always comments, feedback, and, now, links to interesting articles are always appreciated.  I hope you enjoy my new experiment.


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